Coaching Paul Wyman was a joy. Paul, a seasoned coach, wanted to take a program he designed and make it into a book. When he came to me, he had done several drafts but didn’t feel able to pull it all together. Smart, accomplished and driven, he is like many of my clients who have a specific idea but struggle to organize it.
It seems counterintuitive that someone would have a model they teach, live programs that they deliver and a solid sense of their material – but still struggle to turn it into a book. But this is super common. Writing a book is its own animal.
But we did it. Paul was able to find time and space to bring his draft into finished form. I don’t often edit clients’ books, but Paul also hired me to edit his manuscript. Now, his book, Part of Me: Learn Who You Really Are, What’s Driving You, and How to Get Out of Your Own Way, is now available in paperback. Paul trains coaches in Inner Team Dialogue, and works with executives and leaders to help them understand themselves better.
It was such fun to work with Paul on this book and I am thrilled by how well it turned out and how quickly he brought it to the world. From the acknowledgement page of Part of Me:
A huge thank you to my brilliant writing coach and editor Cynthia Morris, for her unwavering support as I discovered my winding path to being an author. This book wouldn’t exist without her clarity, flexibility and insight.
About Part of Me
Based on the premise that we have many parts to our personality, Part of Me reveals not only answers what parts are, it reveals how they work, how they can help you understand your thinking, your emotions and your behaviors, and most importantly, how you can work with your parts to get out of your own way.
This book takes self-awareness to the next level. Fifty of the most common parts of the personality are profiled in detail, so you can identify which is most active in you, which is causing the problems you repeatedly experience, and what to do to get your Inner Team working for you, not against you.
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