From Cynthia's Clients
It’s an honor and a privilege to coach people to write their books. Here are just a few stories of how our book writing coaching has transformed my clients’ lives and creativity.

“I thought I was hiring Cynthia to help me organize the structure of my book and be a pace-setter for completing it. However, Cynthia’s coaching turned out to be so much more: she helped me break through the clutter in my writing processes and avoid the pitfalls that took me off the course to finishing my book.
Throughout our coaching work, Cynthia helped me ensure that I always remained focused on the right activities, saving me countless hours and untold frustration on the path to completing my book. Cynthia was a tremendous resource and ally and I wholeheartedly recommend her to anyone who’s struggled to get their ideas on paper.”
– Scott Pollack, Start of the Deal

“I originally hired Cynthia to help me write my book. Or that’s what I thought. It turned out that I could handle the writing part. My biggest struggle was getting out of my way to finish the job. I don’t know how she does it, but Cynthia quickly lasers in on the real problems and helps me find new solutions and innovative ideas to implement.
I’ve worked with a lot of coaches, and Cynthia is unique in that she doesn’t have a set agenda. She doesn’t use cookie cutter business strategies that she learned from someone else. She asks questions, listens, and then helps you find solutions.
I’ve had such good results for my own business that Cynthia was an obvious choice when I began hiring coaches to work with my clients. I trust her with my clients who have seen great results and love working with her.
I recommend Cynthia’s coaching to anyone who wants new perspectives for accelerating business while maintaining a healthy and meaningful personal life.”
— Alyson Stanfield, Art Biz Success

“Signing up for Cynthia’s coaching is by far the best investment I’ve ever made. She was my shrink when I was panicked, my motivational speaker when I was afraid, and my friend when I was slacking.
Never have I felt surer about success than when I was working with her. I could go on and on, but I’ll let the results speak for themselves instead: three years of talking to my friends about writing a book, and I had nothing. Six months of Cynthia coaching, and I finished my book.
Sign up for her coaching, you won’t regret it.“
– Rami Nuseir Gutsy Geek

"Cynthia helped me get started writing the book, put systems in place, and provided tools so I could be successful both practically and psychologically. Her supportive accountability was critical to keep me going when I otherwise may have quit. Cynthia provided a variety of information, suggestions, and feedback that allowed me to discover my most productive and fulfilling creative process. Her coaching was invaluable in getting a draft of my book done.
I learned so many skills and gained confidence in my own process. Cynthia supported me through creating a book proposal that was far superior to anything I could have done on my own.
It has been instrumental for me to have Cynthia in my corner as I’ve moved through writing and publishing my book. Cynthia has taught me about my own process, what works best for me, and instilled confidence in my ability to get the work done to complete a book and submit a proposal for publication.
Cindy Lusk, Live Your Yoga

I just wanted to thank you soooo hard. I FINISHED my shitty first draft on July 3rd.
I have proved to myself that I am a (First Draft) Finisher anyway. I have structural feedback from one reader that I believe I have the skills to incorporate. And I will get the Beta Reader draft out in August, God willing, or September.
Thank you, Cynthia, for being a key mentor on the path of the craftswoman to learn, practice, find the discipline, and savor the art of writing.
Eternally grateful,
Willow Baum

"My work with Cynthia was phenomenal. I hired Cynthia to help me with a book project - my first book! I was excited and nervous and wanted to do it the right way.
I had done what I thought I had done extensive work building a solid foundation. But Cynthia's candid, honest and thorough feedback took my book to a much deeper level. That allowed me to be proud to publish it.
Cynthia really guided me throughout this process. She helped me to discover my true self and what my work was really worth and what my project meant to me and to those I am called to serve.
She helped me develop boundaries and gave me an inside look at who I am and what I bring to the table. Honestly, throughout our coaching I uncovered things about myself that I didn't know were in me, phenomenal things that helped me be a better that added so much value to my work. I'm a much better speaker, writer, coach and even mother and wife because of our coaching. It was a journey that I couldn't have anticipated. I enjoyed everything from the beginning to the end.
My time with Cynthia was so enriching and I was sorry to see it end. But I am excited to have my first book that I know will add a lot of value for those I am called to serve. I would not have been able to finish this without Cynthia.
If you are considering working with Cynthia, don't hesitate, don't delay, stop analyzing and just go ahead and do it. The results that you will receive will be far greater than your investment. It will be a journey that you won't regret. I am sure you'll be happy you hired Cynthia. I know I am."
Janice Roberson Anderson, Moruwa Consulting

“Cynthia works with what shows up, and build from there. She has an exceptional ability to focus on both the personal /human/writer and also the practical writing aspects – and this deepens and accelerates insights and progress.
She is positive, encouraging and shares practical tips and ideas that can be implemented straight away. She ‘lightens’ the experience of writing… even when it feels heavy… and that nudges the whole process forwards.”
– Jane Moran, Noesis Learning
I had many times where I would go South in my mind. Cynthia pointed that out and underlined the negative speech so I could see it and recognize it wasn’t serving me. When I felt absolutely stuck and couldn't move she guided me to flip it around. That was enormously helpful. Before long, I found myself marveling at how much fun I would have in these writing sessions.
The outcome of working with Cynthia is I have a more structured approach to writing. Setting up a ritual writing space has been life-changing. Our coaching also got me in touch with the importance of finding my voice and putting that in the world.
Cynthia encouraged me to accept the joy of writing and celebrate instead of just seeing the work of it. Now, it’s so much easier to write and finish my book."
Peggy Frolich

“Cynthia Morris is a masterful coach, accomplished creative professional and skilled businesswoman. She sees past blind spots and reveals possibilities in her clients that they often don’t see themselves, then helps them build their lives and livelihoods around their unique gifts and vision of life.
Along the way, Cynthia serves as a seasoned, generous, non-judgmental confidant and “outside advisor,” a role so often yearned for, yet so rarely adequately delivered upon. Morris cultivates experiences and develops processes that help clients feel safe, joyful and empowered along the way. In the end, she makes a huge difference in her clients’ lives. This is why I wanted her on our team at Good Life Project, to coach the participants in the GLP Immersion training for entrepreneurs.
If you are fortunate enough to be offered a spot in Cynthia’s calendar, do not wait, take it now.”
—Jonathan Fields, Award-winning Author & Founder of Good Life Project®

“In the cluttered coaching space, Cynthia Morris has continued success because she makes it her mission to make her clients successful. Where many coaches merely show up, survey a situation, and offer a few platitudes, Cynthia fully engages and fully believes in your project and creative process.
I dedicated my popular multimedia manifesto ‘The Framework’ to Cynthia because there’s no way I would have shipped it had I not hired her to kick my ass into getting it done. Not only done, but better than I could have imagined.
The benefits I’ve reaped from my writing include paid speaking gigs, design and facilitation gigs, and countless kudos from readers.
That’s Cynthia’s gift: seeing through your doubts, fears, or utter laziness and nurturing your genius…magnifying your buried greatness so the rest of the world can experience it. I now take on massive creative undertakings on the regular, and Cynthia is typically the first call I make.”
– Kristoffer Carter, Author of Permission to Glow and Founder of This Epic Life

“The experience of being coached and collaborating with Cynthia has highlighted my unrevealed gifts. I’ve seen lasting results in the things that matter to me. Our time together has revolutionized the way I work and lead my companies.
Her wisdom and wealth of understanding about the tension between creativity and productivity has added value to every area of my life from personal health to creativity and generating wealth. Our sessions and whiteboarding have brought forward magic for me. Cynthia helps me bring my highest contribution to the world.
Her work with me has brought about massive changes. I would have never imagined that this powerhouse of a creative could help me grow, find a better connection to my true heart and improve my companies in so many areas. I have multiplied my creativity in our construction, real estate, marketing, and consulting businesses. Cynthia’s coaching is like supercharging a normal engine; there is no comparison.
Cynthia helps seasoned business owners and leaders of sizable organizations make small but profound adjustments in how they think. What Cynthia has helped me become is of much more importance to me than what she has helped me achieve, but both are incredible.”
— John Marsh, Founder, Marsh Collective

"Cynthia helped me so much to develop a writing practice. I love her approach to combining creativity and action. It's gentle and effective and highly self-compassionate." Laila Atalah

“When I came to coaching with Cynthia, I had been ‘working’ on my book to no avail for over 5 years. I had lots of gremlins in my head telling me I wasn’t capable of writing a book. As a result of our work together, I was able to quiet the gremlins, find the writing approach that worked for me, and complete the first draft of the book. I am thankful to Cynthia for her accountability partnership.
Cynthia’s approach is one of guidance, humor, drive and understanding. She helped me to bust through what was holding me back. Simply amazing.
Cynthia is a genius. Now I have the confidence and momentum to move forward with publishing my book.”
— Thom Qafzezi, CEO, Molto Crescendo

"For years, I struggled with this belief that I wasn't good enough, that I wasn't a real writer, that I wouldn't be able to follow through. Until your coaching, your support, and your gosh-darned realizations opened a door that had gone dormant.
With your words in my ears and my heart finding new excitement (actually, it fell in love and lust with writing again), I pushed and prodded the words across the page for almost an entire year, finishing one of the stories I had started long ago. In two weeks, my first novel goes into a professional editor's hands. And you, dear Cynthia, are the one who helped me lay the dominoes. I can’t thank you enough for the motivation, the inspiration, and the reminder that I was meant to write."
Tabetha Hedrick

"Cynthia helped me drive a short story across the finish line. She made a couple of simple suggestions that I will carry forward, for instance, easy organizational methods to keep track of my revisions. I so appreciated having someone I could ask all manner of questions to, and someone who can lavish encouragement and also dole out the tough love.
I recommend Cynthia if you want to learn about your own writing process in an experiential way and get practice on things like letting go of perfectionism for a greater goal (and ultimately, for the greater good too!)."

"When I started working with Cynthia, I was at the crossroads personally, professionally and creatively. Because of our work together, I have been able to embrace my artist's path and choose a lifestyle that truly speaks to my soul. Instead of trying to be and do everything, instead of relentlessly chasing goals, I now follow my true desires with courage, joy and serenity.
Cynthia is intuitive, down-to-earth, straightforward and honest. She can read between the lines, and she never lets me run away, give in and give up. She is always there for me, she is generous, and she really cares. Cynthia has a wonderful sense of humor, and our time together is always fun, filled with laughter and sparkles of magic.
Cynthia is not only a fabulous mentor but also an amazing artist, and she never stops inspiring me both creatively and personally. I deeply appreciate her presence in my life, and I am truly grateful for our connection."
Maya Sofia Preston
"You never had a preset agenda or were following some kind of formula. You were very generous with sharing your best practices from your years of experience. You kept it real. No hype. You embodied the very qualities I was looking for in a coach.
From our work together:
- I was able to implement most if not all of the foundational stuff that had been on my list for months.
- You helped me manage my time and energy
- You helped me to embrace the lifestyle I’ve been aspiring to while letting go of the shoulds, the guilt, and self-criticism
- I felt that you were on my team and was really committed to my success.
I didn’t expect your high level of commitment, generosity, and versatility. You have a very strong work ethic."
"My own original impulse for hiring Cynthia was to get me to the finish line of my first draft. As I am at the end of our work together, I couldn’t be more pleased that my coaching was spent doing much more important things, like defining myself as the writer I want to be and learning more of my own personal process.
This is something that I will continue to apply not only to my life as an artist but to my life as a whole. Cynthia’s patience and cheering me on, when needed and kick in the butt, when needed even, more helped me to write, and to listen.
The most valuable part of working with Cynthia is that I know myself as an artist. I know what works for me and what doesn’t.
I’ve come to realize how important the other portions of life are in order to keep our creativity flowing. Eating well, resting, and exercising are just as important as word count, point of view, and settings.
Cynthia not only helped me with the tools needed for my current project but with the necessities for projects to come. That’s real coaching!"
- Brook Blander