It’s thrilling to see a client finish a book!
It was a great honor to work with Cindy Lusk to write her book and get onto the publication path. We met in 2001 when I was a student and she was a teacher at the Yoga Workshop in Boulder. I knew right away she was what I consider the ‘real deal’ of yoga teachers. Her ongoing studies of the Yoga Sutras and the way she brought these teachings into her asana teaching made the classes so much more than mere calisthenics.
Cindy epitomizes what I mean when I say I work with smart, soulful people writing world-changing books. Writing a book takes time, and over several years, Cindy focused on getting her ideas onto the page. It’s ideal to work with someone this motivated to get a book done and published.
Here’s what Cindy said about our coaching together
Cynthia’s coaching helped me get started writing the book, put systems in place, and provided tools so I could be successful both practically and psychologically. Her supportive accountability was critical to keep me going when I otherwise may have quit. Cynthia provided a variety of information, suggestions, and feedback that allowed me to discover my most productive and fulfilling creative process. Her support was invaluable in getting a draft of my book done.
I learned so many skills and gained confidence in my own process that I was able to continue my work independently. When I finished the book and faced the publishing mountain, I returned for more coaching from Cynthia. She supported me through creating a book proposal that was far superior to anything I could have done on my own.
It has been instrumental for me to have Cynthia in my corner as I’ve moved through this process. My work with Cynthia has taught me about my own process, and what works best for me and instilled confidence in my ability to complete and publish a book. – Cindy Lusk
About Cindy’s book Align and Refine
Cindy Lusk, Ph.D., has written the book she wishes she had as a student of yoga nearly forty years ago.
Align and Refine: The Journey of Yoga and Meditation describes the journey of yoga and meditation from the perspective of a modern-day yogi, emphasizing traditional teachings from Classical Yoga and Tantra in a way that is accessible and applicable.
It considers the human condition, the impulse for something more, and how yoga and meditation allow the refinement of one’s individuality, alignment with the highest self within, and the emergence and embodiment of yogic qualities for the benefit of oneself, society, and the world at large.
Find more about Cindy’s book and yoga classes here.