What fun to be on Kimberly Wilson's podcast Tranquility du Jour. The current season of the podcast focuses on midlife, reinvention at midlife and how creativity plays a role in ...
Have you ever felt like creativity is a gift only meant for others? Like you just weren’t born part of that illustrious and somewhat mysterious “creative class?” Total bunk. Creativity ...
New episode alert on Sparked podcast! Facing doubts in your pursuits? You're not alone. Join Jonathan Fields & I as we unravel "How to Tell Good Hard from Bad Hard" ...
So, how do you handle the dance between wanting lead with your creative or artistic side, and earning a grown-up worthy living? In the past few years, we’ve all been ...
In this Sparked podcast with Jonathan Fields, we are diving into creative disappointment. We look at what it is, why it can impact us so deeply, and the lasting impression ...
In this Sparked podcast with Jonathan Fields I am responding to a question from listener Lauren - Sparketype: Maven/Nurturer Listener Lauren shares a moment of genuine inflection where she knows ...
In this Sparked podcast with Jonathan Fields I am responding to a question from listener Lisa - Sparketype: Essentialist/Sage Listener Lisa shares an experience and a question so many of ...
In this Sparked podcast with Jonathan Fields I am responding to a question from listener Claudia - Sparketype: Maker/Maven, Anti-Performer Today’s listener Claudia presents this question. She has been running ...
In this Sparked podcast with Jonathan Fields I am responding to a question from listener Bree - Sparketype: Advisor/Sage, Anti: Essentialist Listener Bree shares her story of experience of a ...
In this Sparked podcast with Jonathan Fields I am responding to a question from listener Mell - Sparketype: Maven/Advocate Listener Mell shares an interesting query about how to balance her ...
In this Sparked podcast with Jonathan Fields I am responding to a question from listener Michael (Sparketype: Advisor/Maven | Nurturer.) Michael poses the question, do you follow your latest area ...
In this Sparked podcast with Jonathan Fields we shine the spotlight on creative inspiration and how to turn it into action taking and output. We explore the purpose of inspiration, ...
I’m part of a rotating lineup of mentors on the SPARKED podcast, a podcast that explores how to find and do work that makes you come alive. And we’re looking ...
Who are your creative ancestors, and how can their stories influence your creative journey? Your creative ancestors are those people who make you, you. They build you up and inform ...
Have you ever had a spiritual awakening that opened your eyes to a new or deeper creative practice? My friend Kim Roberts did. Her long-time yoga practice opened her eyes ...
Sometimes we get stuck thinking that someone else’s way should work for us, then we get frustrated when it doesn’t. Today, on Stumbling Toward Genius, I talk with my friend ...
Do you have an unfinished project you’ve been working on for months, years, or maybe even decades? You know, the one you keep putting on the back burner for “some” ...
Have you ever heard someone say something that felt like a dart to your heart? My guest on the show today, Krissy Shields, had just such an experience when she ...
Today on Stumbling Toward Genius I am excited to talk with one of my favorite people, Marcus McAllister. Marcus is a French-American professional artist based in Paris for the past ...
Who are you writing for? Who counts in determining what we create? Sometimes we get bogged down by the idea of what our audience, peers, or the people in our ...
What happens when you lose your mojo by making the stuff you are told to make instead of what you want to make? Today, we’re sitting down with Koosje Koene ...
Why do you read books? We might read all kinds of books, but not have an intention for our time spent with that author. What if you read books more ...
Have you tried writing a book but have gotten stuck when it comes to organizing and structuring it? Most of us come to write a non-fiction book with a lot ...
Karen Wright is an executive coach and founder of Parachute Executive Coaching in Toronto, Canada. She's a single mother, shares Cynthia's passion for Paris, and can't wait to dust off ...
Are you like me, always wanting to tweak and revise things? I love designing. In this episode of Stumbling Toward Genius, I try a new format. You'll hear a few ...
Pam Slim seeks to connect people as communities. Through our work together, we can build the kind of world we want to inhabit. Her latest book, The Widest Net, shows ...
What are your plans for your creativity next year? Perhaps you have a project in mind and can’t wait to get started. That’s me! Or maybe you don’t know what ...
Did someone - a teacher, or parent, or peer - shut down your art? This happens all too often, especially when we are young. As kids, we don't have the ...
What’s your relationship with poetry? You may have read or written some back in school. Perhaps you think poetry is obtuse and intellectual and not for you. I love poetry ...
Many of us want to help when we hear about others' challenges, but we don't know how. Sometimes the problems seem too big. It's all too easy to tune out ...
I have always loved Jeffrey Davis for his calm, wise ways. I’ll never forget him at Camp GLP one year, onstage, wearing the most fabulous red corduroys while reciting his ...
Have you ever wondered why it's so difficult to finish your creative projects? Why do you have so many great ideas but getting them across the finish line feels beyond ...
When you see an illustrated journal, it’s almost like peeking into someone’s mind. Denver designer Marty Gregg has one of the most complex and interesting visual journals I’ve ever seen ...
If you are thinking of embarking on NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month), here are some coaching tips to make your writing month a success - on your own terms. I'd ...
Art making is a mysterious thing. Those of us who are called to make art can’t not do it. And yet, we’re often terrified to share what we’ve made with ...
Do you suffer from having too many creative interests? You want to write, and make art, and sing, and dance. Yet you're not a one-person band. Your time and energy ...
One way to I assuage my wanderlust is to read a good book. I've been interviewing authors for my podcast, Stumbling Toward Genius, and I had the chance to get ...
One of the things people often say they need when embarking on a creative project is something I can’t give them. Permission. I’m not the authority or the all-knowing one ...
Sometimes, when we’re just starting out with a creative dream, it’s hard to know what we need. We may not be tackling a big project like a book, or a ...
In this episode of Stumbling Toward Genius, I talk with my friend and mentor Jonathan Fields. We talked about the different types of creative projects one can take on. We ...
Have you ever noticed that the reasons we do or don't do things have different qualities? We feel some of our reasons in our gut. Other reasons flutter around our ...
Most of our projects have many moving pieces. Trying to organize our ideas so we can bring them to life is almost always a challenge. In this coaching episode of ...
If you're like most of us, your writing or creative practice ebbs and flows. How to get back into it? In this live coaching episode of Stumbling Toward Genius, you ...
Have you ever wondered what doing a project for 100 days would be like? If you're feeling creatively stuck, a daily challenge could be a great way to revive your ...
In this episode of Stumbling Toward Genius podcast, I try a new format. If you struggle with focus even in the best of times, this will help you garner some ...
In this episode of Stumbling Toward Genius, you’ll hear the story of a book I wrote that changed a life-long narrative I'd been telling myself. In this episode I will ...
In this episode of Stumbling Toward Genius, you’ll hear the story of how I went all the way to Seattle for an urban sketching workshop and how badly I sucked ...
In this episode of Stumbling Toward Genius, I share how a critique session completely changed the way I think about writing and creating. In this episode: What happened when I ...
If only the glorious genius of our ideas matched our skills! But the truth is, there’s a lot of repetitive and humbling work that goes into making things. In this ...
In this episode of Stumbling Toward Genius, you’ll hear about a big moment in my creative career and how it challenged me to my limits. You’ll see how I abandoned ...
Have you ever had an experience early in life that determined your path? Even if that wasn’t your path, a comment or a person directed you away from an essential ...
Having genius ideas is the easy part of creating, right? It’s in the making where we stumble. If you’re like me, almost right away you bump up against the hows: ...
It’s humbling to commit to a project over the long term. Most projects take more time and effort than we think when we’re going into them. In this episode, I ...
In this first episode of the podcast Stumbling Toward Genius, find out how I started my coaching business 20 years ago. It was without a clue, with a lot of ...
We’ve never had more resources to bring our creative ideas to life. Yet we still get stuck and often abandon our dreams for our books, art or businesses. Maybe it’s ...
My friend, colleague and former coach Charlie Gilkey is a wiz at all things productivity. We had a blast talking about what it takes to write a book and why ...
Her Rules Radio is a great podcast that is designed to empower women in work, life, health, and yes, creativity. My friend Alex Jamieson hosted me for a conversation about ...
It was a delight to be a guest on Kristoffer Carter's This Epic Life podcast. Here are highlights from the show: We uncover the many correlations between a writing practice, ...
You never forget where you were when you 'get the call'. I was sitting in Black Eye Coffee in Denver, having my afternoon coffee/writing/art making ritual. I like to take ...