I’ve written two books, six ebooks and hundreds of articles. The most difficult thing about writing isn’t generating new ideas – it’s wrangling them into coherent order.
Organizing ideas is a challenge for my clients, too. The content for a book can feel unwieldy. This sense of chaos leads to despair and can make my clients want to give up.
Some advocate the outline form, but this is often too linear to be useful. My clients are often visual thinkers, so an outline just puts them to sleep and brings out their perfectionist, who insists that everything be all nice and tidy and figured out before they start writing.
I offer a simple method to make order from the chaos and keep you engaged with your material.
Index cards to the rescue
If you’re writing a book – fiction or non-fiction, try this. Place each idea or scene on its own index card. Feel free to use different colors for different themes or parts of the book.
My novel is set in Paris and in Denver. I used different colors for each location, and when I laid the cards out, this allowed me to see the arc of the story and to gauge the balance between the two parts.
The cards – some people use sticky notes – allow you to shuffle your ideas around. This ability to move scenes around is very helpful when you’re trying to map the whole book out.
One day, a client came to our coaching call with a ton of ideas and inspiration. But was overwhelmed and unsure about how to manage it all. I invited her to try the index card method for homework. This is what she had to say about it:
“I love the index cards. I can place my brain on them and walk away with room in my mind to form more questions and answers. It feels organic to my writing process. It allows my to escape fonts, software and written design. It frees me and embraces me all at once. Simply love it.” Brook
Try blocking out individual scenes for your book, e-book or long article. See how the non-linear method mirrors your non-linear thinking process and allows you to feel more in control of your abundant ideas.
How has this or a similar method helped you organize your content? Let us know in a comment below.
Funny, index cards were the only way I could get through a term paper back in the day. Great idea, Cynthia. If I think of a way to translate this to paintings…I will share.
I love this idea! I’m a self proclaimed copy and paste queen when writing my stories in my spare time and think this may be the solution to my problem! Thanks for the inspiration Cynthia!
Angeline-Marie, Yes, it would be cool to see if/how this is applicable to painting!
Jennifer, I’m glad this seems helpful for you! Let me know how it goes with you. Soon we’ll be calling you the Index Card Queen!
I love this advice! I’m going to take my outline breakdown onto post it notes- I don’t like going back to the outline, and I’ve thought of new ideas and then don’t know where to put them, so I don’t forget, so I’m going to try this. Thanks, Cynthia!
PS: But I promise this will be something I do AFTER my scheduled writing session for the day. 🙂
Oh, yes. I ‘discovered’ this out of necessity when writing my first novel. As a visual thinker, it was the only way to navigate my way through so many words!
Funny – this is exactly the kind of thing I would have thought of when I was a carefree creative child, before the world insisted I grow up and create linear things like outlines. Index cards seem much more organic to the creative process, and I love that you can move ideas/topics around more easily than scratching out and writing in the new info on a traditional outline. Thanks for the reminder!
Cynthia, As someone who is struggling to pull all my blog post ideas together in a way that will make sense to my readers (or even to myself!), the idea of using index cards is instantly appealing to me.
I am only now becoming aware that I am a visual thinker, and that I may get a whole lot more done by using visual tools such as index cards, a giant calendar, post-it notes and cork boards.
Using index cards to help me see the bigger picture of my blog is an idea I will definitely explore!
I’m having a V-8 moment here. Thanks!
I would love to use cards, it really seems like an ideal solution. But, I don’t have a free table! My flat is miniscule (is that correct?)So I don’t have free space at all, and that is not good. But what can I do? It is a problem!
To Kerstin,
I use the index card method and love it (as quoted in the article). But one thing I don’t do is lay my cards out. I have a nifty little box (which I call my Treasure Box) that I have the plastic dividers and color index cards separated. When I am working with them, I simply pull out the card that I am working with a stack of a few extras next to where I am writing. When Im arranging ideas and organizing, I prefer to move cards back and forth in compartments of the Treasure Box. No big space required. Here’s what the box looks like : http://www.google.com/products/catalog?client=safari&rls=en&q=index+card+box&oe=UTF-8&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=shop&cid=3315379053972398121&sa=X&ei=aN8cTvLQIsPTqgHW1eXbCg&ved=0CFEQ8gIwAQ
Also, you can go to a library and take over a table. Or a bookstore, like Barnes and Nobles (my personal favorite). Lots of independent bookstores like the idea of writers coming in. If you tell them what you’re doing, often time they’ll lend you a chair, a table, and even a cup of tea to have you in their space creating.
Hope these tidbits help!
Nor walls …
I love that you recognize this as different than writing time. We should create a new category – structuring or organizing time!
Michelle, I didn’t know I was a visual thinker until I tried to write a novel! Holding the whole story in my head or even in an outline didn’t give me the grasp I needed.
Brigid, Have fun with the cards and the cork board methods! I bet it will make your blogging a lot more enjoyable.
Moira, Let me know how the V-8 moment pans out! I can’t wait to hear about your discovery!
Brook, thanks for reminding Kerstin that space isn’t necessary for this method! Your box is totally cute. I also think a small recipe card but could work – any box, or even a rubber band around the cards. You could decorate the box, or have a special one like you do to make the writing even more magical!
Great advice! I bought some index cards today; however I’m still stuck. I write on envelopes just anything in sight when I am struck with ideas. I just need to transfer to the index cards, but how do I organize these scenes or ideas into chapters. Thank you! 🙂
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