What are your plans for your creativity next year? Perhaps you have a project in mind and can’t wait to get started. That’s me!
Or maybe you don’t know what you want to work on. There are possible projects. Your friends have clear goals. But you don’t know what you want to do.
In this episode of Stumbling Toward Genius I will share a perspective on how to focus your creative time so you feel satisfied and on track no matter what happens. It’s both broad and specific, and I think you’ll love it.
If you’re like me, you tend to be ‘all over the place’ with your ideas and possibilities. The Creative Edge gives us a broad yet specific focus. It makes it easy to choose projects that give us a sense of momentum and progress.
Cynthia-Listening to the concept of creative edge is the perfect follow up to yesterday’s annual review session. I know the direction I’m going for the coming year but identifying my edge(s) will help me commit and stay focused. Thanks!
That’s so wonderful, Monica! I am glad this concept served you. It helps me a lot.