In this Sparked podcast with Jonathan Fields I am responding to a question from listener Bree – Sparketype: Advisor/Sage, Anti: Essentialist
Listener Bree shares her story of experience of a role reversal with her partner, moving from full-time parenting back into the workforce. And with that asks how do you combine multiple skills and passions? When you have a passion project, like writing books, calling to you, how do you balance that with a leadership role and overseeing big projects at work? Bree poses the query that many of us face, how do you approach tasks that you may be skilled at but no longer find them interesting?
We discuss the following:
- How do you combine multiple skills and passions?
- How do you balance your passion projects with a leadership role
- How do you oversee big projects at work?
- How do you approach tasks that you may be skilled at but no longer find interesting?
How to submit your question for the SPARKED Braintrust: Wisdom-seeker submissions
More on Sparketypes at: Discover You Sparketype | The Book | The Workshop | The Website
I hope you enjoy this episode. Share your thoughts in the comments below.
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