Sometimes we get stuck thinking that someone else’s way should work for us, then we get frustrated when it doesn’t.
Today, on Stumbling Toward Genius, I talk with my friend Cory Huff about how he is navigating his creativity his way.
Cory Huff is Chief Marketing Officer at Productive Flourishing, founder at The Abundant Artist, and serial fiction writer. His background also includes acting in classical theater and narrative storytelling. He’s been existing at the intersection of business and creativity for 15 years.
In this episode, we talk with Cory about his own creative pursuits like acting and novel-writing. He also shares why he is passionate about helping artists recognize and elevate their potential through The Abundant Artist. You’ll also hear:
- How an anonymous benefactor set him on the path to where he is today
- What success means for an artist
- Why Cory decided to publish his fiction without expectations
- How he balances his business with his creative work
- How to be successful in your creative life on your terms
Plus, we will talk about his ADHD diagnosis. Cory walks us through strategies he uses to maintain his productivity so he can publish novels, short stories, and other writing while also maintaining his business.
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