In case you didn’t know this about me, I am a culture monster. I soak up movies, books, podcasts and TV shows like they’re a limited resource. Honestly, I relish my travel times because I get to be in the real world and dial back the gobbling up good stories.
The last two novels I read with my book group were outstanding! It’s rare to read such good books, the ones you can’t put down and then want to force on everyone you encounter.
North Woods by Daniel Mason is lovely, lovely, lovely. His writing is evocative and descriptive and brings so many emotions to the surface for me. Set on one plot of land in Western Massachusetts, this novel spans decades. We get to witness each inhabitant of the home come and go. This long view of time and nature somehow gave me hope. Beautiful.
Demon Copperhead by Barbara Kingsolver won the Pulitzer Prize in 2023, and I can see why. You might have heard how she modeled the story on Charles Dickens’ David Copperfield. This is true, but it’s not a reason to read about a character growing up in Appalachia. I love stories that bring ‘issues’ to life. We all could use more empathy and understanding of the forces at play, and Kingsolver’s storytelling skills are at their finest here. She had me at the first line. “First, I got myself born.”
And here’s a random recommendation. I’ve watched it twice: The Old Man and the Pool by Mike Birbiglia. This Netflix comedy special has me obsessed. It’s a masterclass in humor and storytelling, especially about a very serious subject.
Mike’s use of repetition is masterful. Watch how he weavess one main idea and uses phrases repetitively for great comic effect. Also genius is his weaving and balancing of levity and seriosity. Mike does such a good job of speaking about his health challenges without insulting himself or leaning into self-deprecating humor. Also, his pacing is genius as well as his physicality during the show.
What great examples of storytelling do you recommend to me? Share them below. I’m looking for a good novel to bring with me to Lisbon and Paris.