I’ve been publishing my newsletter Impulses since February 2001. That’s almost 24 years of consistent articles about the creative process.
I’m proud of that longevity, and I am also astonished I kept going for so long. It’s time to switch gears. I’ve been writing as an ‘expert’ and now it’s time to write as a writer. I am starting a new newsletter on Substack.
Stumbling Toward Genius is my online author’s notebook giving you behind-the-scenes access to my novel-writing process. This is a big deal for me, to sit solidly in my writer’s seat. I’m challenged to be vulnerable, honest, and generous about what I’m learning from writing a novel. It’s a big switch from my coachy writing.
You may recognize the name. Stumbling Toward Genius is the name of my podcast. It felt appropriate because I’ll be sharing my highs and lows as I write my fourth draft of When Water Meets Rock.
Please consider subscribing to Stumbling Toward Genius. This novel is one of my life’s biggest projects, and I have already gained so much from writing it. I want to share what I am learning to help you boldly claim your own creative genius.
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